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Have an interest in anthropology and want to learn about Sonoran Desert anthropology? Join other Armchair Anthropologists in our series of talks by actual anthropologists!
First up: The Ancient Oasis 5,000 Years of Agriculture and Irrigation in Tucson First up on 9/22 is Archeologist Dr. Jonathan Mabry, who will discuss Tucson’s 5,000 year old history of agriculture along el Rio Santa Cruz in his talk, The Ancient Oasis. Jonathan will show slides of his discoveries of the earliest known irrigation canals in the U.S., coming off the Santa Cruz, and more. He’ll also cover social organizations of Tucson’s prehistoric irrigation communities, water rights and development schemes of the late 1800’s, and how the Santa Cruz became the dry deep channel it is today. We’ll also discuss turning points in Tucson’s multicultural food history and the future of water and farming in the Santa Cruz watershed.
Come enjoy some cocktails and learn more about this place we love.